Our standard shipping in the US uses the US Postal Service. The map below shows delivery times according to the US Postal Service. While the times are not guaranteed, our experience is that they are typically very accurate.

USPS Shipping Times

Shipping within the US

Standard Shipping/USPS (3-5 Days)$8
Fedex 2 Day*$10
Fedex Standard Overnight*$35
Fedex International Economy$25

*IMPORTANT NOTE* If you order after 12 Noon PST then your package will ship the following day. The Postal Service does not include the day it is picked up in their calculations so the clock starts the day after.

* Note that expedited shipping orders must be received before 2pm Pacific Standard Time, Monday - Friday, in order to make it in the allotted time. Expedited orders placed after 2pm Monday - Thursday will ship the following day. Orders received after 2pm on Friday will be shipped on Monday (unless it is a holiday). Fedex only delivers on Business days (Monday-Friday).

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